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UFPR researcher develops a method for monitoring pesticides that can be used in inspection

The passion for discovery and science has been part of the life of researcher Elisa Orth since she was a child. He passed from childhood to adolescence in laboratories, curiously seeing the work of the mother and father scientists. Full article at: link .

  • Check out our news collection:
New Chemistry

New article!

The article "Algumas estruturas do carbono elementar e sua importância para o desenvolvimento e soberania do Brasil" written by Prof. Aldo Zarbin and Prof. Elisa Orth.


SBQ-South 2019

#GCC is present at SBQ-Sul

GCC was present at SBQ-SUL 2019 in Caxias do Sul-RS. Prof. Elisa Orth presented the lecture "Estamos seguros? Catálise, agrotóxicos e uma pitada de terrorismo".

In addition, 4 works were presented in the form of a poster; Undergraduate student Thayna Hack won the award for best work in the field of Physical Chemistry.


Master's Qualification: Alex

On November 13, 2019, the defense of master's degree qualification of student Alex Teixeira. On the stand were Prof Caroline Doca (UFPR) and Prof Renan Borsoi Campos (UTFPR).

Chemistry and EngineeringNews

Award report!

American Chemical Society about the Prof Elisa Orth award, the result of all the dedication of the GCC!



PhD Defense: Leandro

On October 10, 2019, student Leandro Hostert defended his doctoral thesis. The work was supervised by Prof Elisa Orth and co-supervised by Prof Aldo Zarbin.

Brazilian Women Scientists

New article!

GCC in the special edition of Brazilian Women Scientists, which came out in 3 volumes in celebration of the 30th anniversary of JBCS magazine! The article “Are Imidazoles Versatile or Promiscuous in Reactions with Organophosphates? Insights from the Case of Parathion” written by student Valmir and Prof. Elisa was part of the edition

#GCC at IUPAC - Paris

100 years of the Periodic Table

During the opening of the IUPAC World Chemistry Congress in Paris, all the winners were announced at the Periodic Table of Younger Chemist promoted by IUPAC in celebration of the year of the periodic table. Prof Elisa Orth was chosen element Chrome.

Green Chemistry For Life 2018

Congratulations prof. Elisa!

The only woman in the Americas to win the 2018 Green Chemistry For Life Award, Elisa Orth leads a research group focused on combating pesticides.


GCC at Graphene 2019

#GCC in Italy

Professor Elisa S. Orth participated in the 9th Graphene and 2D Materials International Conference in Rome - Italy, which took place from 25-28 / June

RASBQ 2019

#GCC in Joinville

GCC was present with undergraduate and graduate students at the Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Chemical Society held in Joinville-SC from November 27 to 30. Posters about their work were presented.

old volvis.jpg

New article!

Check out the latest GCC article in full: "Are Imidazoles Versatile or Promiscuos in Reactions with Organophosphates? Insights from the case of Parathion".


GCC at Unesp

Lecture by Profª. Elisa

Prof Elisa gives a lecture “Rápido e menos tóxico: a saga de monitorar e destruir agrotóxicos'' at the University Innovation Forum, promoted by AUF-Agence Universitare de la Francophonie and UNESP, held in SP, representing UFPR.


Spreading science!

Prof Elisa gives a lecture in the academic week of physics at UFPR: "Guerra Química: combater ou prevenir?"

Mais que uma moda

#GCC and nanomaterials

Prof Elisa talks about the advances of the GCC related to the INCT of Carbon Nanomaterials at its 7th Meeting in São Paulo. link


Doctoral Qualification: Leandro

On March 22, doctoral student Leandro Hostert presented and passed his qualification exam. Congratulations Leandro and others involved!


Master's Qualification: José

On February 26, the master student José Guilherme passed his master's defense exam. The GCC congratulates the new master José!

land business

#GCC on TV

Check the full report of the "Negócios da terra" program on the research conducted at the GCC. link

Breakfast with chemists

UFPR Women's Event

Prof Elisa was in the organization of the event and spoke: ''Onde estão as cientistas no Brasil?”. And the GCC was also a big part of it!

Periodic Table of Younger Chemists

Profª. Elisa chosen!

IUPAC launched the "Periodic Table of Young Scientists" in celebration of its 100th anniversary and the International Year of the Periodic Table (2019). Outstanding young scientists from around the world are chosen to represent an element of the table. Prof. Dr. Elisa Orth, was chosen to represent the element Chromium. link

GCC at events: Congresses - Lectures - Tables - Presentations


  • Prof Elisa S. Orth. Fall Meeting - Research Society. Boston - USA. December / 2019. Nanodesign of catalysts: hydrogen production and beyond.


  • Prof Elisa S. Orth. XXVI Meeting of Chemistry in the Southern Region of the Brazilian Chemical Society - SBQSUL, Caxias do Sul. November / 2019. Estamos seguros? Catálise, agrotóxico e uma pitada de terrorismo.


  • Prof Elisa S. Orth. IX Academic Week of the Biomedicine Course - UFPR. Curitiba. October / 2019. Elas sabem fazer ciência?


  • Prof Elisa S. Orth. XXIV Academic Chemistry Week - UFPR. Curitiba. October / 2019. Mulheres na universidade: desafio.


  • ORTH, ES et al .; Fall Meeting of the European Materials Research Society - Warsaw - Poland. September / 2019. The rise of nanodesign for catalysis.


  • ORTH, ES et al .; Graphene Brasil. Rio de Janeiro. September / 2019. Gambling with nanodesign: beyond catalysis.


  • Prof Elisa S. Orth. 20th Brazilian Congress of Catalysis - São Paulo. September / 2019. Workshop mulheres na ciência: Elas sabem fazer ciência?


  • Prof Elisa S. Orth. III Cycle of Postgraduate Seminars in Material Sciences - UFMS. Large field. August / 2019. Nanodesign para segurança química e energia limpa.


  • Prof Elisa S. Orth. 5th Winter School in Chemical Ecology - UFPR. Curitiba. June / 2019. Women leaders in science: an emerging reality!


  • ORTH, ES et al .; 9th edition of the Graphene and 2D materials. International Conference & Ehibition - Rome, Italy. June / 2019 . Graphene functionalization: a sure deal?

  • Prof Elisa S. Orth. Academic Week of Physics - UFPR. Curitiba. May / 2019. Guerra química: combater ou prevenir?

  • Prof Elisa S. Orth. University Innovation Forum in the Americas and the Caribbean - AUF - Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie. Sao Paulo. April / 2019. Rápido e menos tóxico: a saga de monitorar e destruir agrotóxicos.

  • ORTH, ES; et al .; 7th INCT Meeting of Carbon Nanomaterials. São Paulo. April / 2019. Funcionalização de nanomateriais de carbono: só mais uma moda?

  • Prof Elisa S. Orth. State School Prof. Elysio Vianna. Curitiba. April / 2019. Estamos seguros de uma guerra química?

  • Prof Elisa S. Orth. Global Breakfast - UFPR. Curitiba. February / 2019. Onde estão as cientistas no Brasil? O (im) provável empoderamento feminino.

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