UFPR researcher develops a method for monitoring pesticides that can be used in inspection
The passion for discovery and science has been part of the life of researcher Elisa Orth since she was a child. He passed from childhood to adolescence in laboratories, curiously seeing the work of the mother and father scientists. Full article at: link .
Previous News (2018-2014)
Prof Elisa Orth is honored in the research category at the 106 years ceremony of UFPR and receives an award by the rector Ricardo and vice rector Graciela.
Master student Giseli Machado guided by prof. Elisa presents her work entitled "Análise de indicadores de ativismo sociocientífico de estudantes a partir de uma sequência didática de química sobre agrotóxicos" at the 1st PROFQUI Workshop - Professional Master's in Chemistry in a national network.
Symposium of women in science
Prof. Elisa participates in the 1st Symposium of women in science in Natal. Participated in the round table on women in science, challenges and perspectives.
The article was published in Chemistry - A European Journal (impact index 5.16) with doctoral student Valmir, former ICs Leonardo and Marcelo and collaborators Alfredo (UFPR) and Renan (UTFPR). DOI:
Green Chemistry
Profa. Elisa Orth was awarded financial resources for research granted by the partnership “Green Chemistry for Life” that involves UNESCO, IUPAC and PhosAgro. ( http://www.unesco.org/…/basic-sciences/chemistry/green-che…/ ).
Science for the benefit of all
Check in full the report shown on the television news Boa noite Paraná by RPC TV in Curitiba about the research conducted at GCC. Science for the benefit of all!
The book "Cientistas: feminino e plural" that talks about 5 scientists who marked the history of science at UFPR includes Prof. Elisa Orth. The book written by Maria Isabel Miqueletto was presented as a partial requirement to complete the social communication course with a degree in journalism from UFPR. Check it out here
Let's fight for science!
The GCC was present on 08/09 at the demonstration promoted by UFPR against the possible cuts in masters and doctoral fellowships in 2019. Science interests everyone! Science is not spent, science is investment! #GCC
Another one!
The GCC in collaboration with other research groups recently published a new paper. In this, relationships between the physical-chemical and structural properties of acacia gum are explored. Check out the full article: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodhyd.2018.07.011
#GCC in France
Prof. Elisa Orth Lecture: Chemical functionalization and nanocatalysts: a perfect match? Chemontubes, April / 2018 - Biarritz - France. The GCC congratulates prof. Elisa for the excellent participation!
Scientists are coming!
The Pint of Science event was attended by #GCC. Held at the bar "We are Bastards" in Curitiba, prof. Elisa Orth spoke to a large audience. The scientists arrived a long time ago, and they are also bohemian !!!
GCC at the 41st Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Chemical Society. May / 2018 - Foz do Iguaçu, PR.
Prof. Elisa S. Orth lecture: Functionalization and nanocatalysis: the perfect match. In addition, 4 posters and an oral presentation by IC student Willian Takarada were presented: "Chemical modification of gum arabic for dephosphorylation reactions: hydroxamate-derived biocatalyst", which won the best poster in the catalysis area. Congratulations to those involved!
FINEP interviews Prof. Elisa in the article '' A batalha pela segurança química''.
OPCW Workshop
"Can destruction be green? From sustainable detoxification to safer syntheses" is the title of Prof. Elisa at the Green and Sustainable Chemistry Workshop organized by OPCW, in Haia-Netherlands. link
SBQ-South 2018
GCC was present with undergraduate and graduate students at SBQ-Sul held in Londrina-PR from December 7 to 9. Posters about their work were presented.
University beyond the walls
Check out the report produced by APUFPR SSind on one of the research lines of the GCC.
Invited Speaker
In September, Prof Elisa was invited speaker at the 8th IUPAC International Conference on Green Chemistry in Bangkok, Thailand.
The work entitled “Facile room temperature synthesis of large graphene sheets from simple molecules” is on the cover of Chemical Science. The GCC collaborated with the research and congratulates the others involved! DOI
International Recognition
In September, prof. Elisa travels to Thailand to receive the Green Chemistry for Life Research Grant award, offered by the company PhosAgro, UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) and IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry). Check out a little more in the report on the exact UFPR portal at this link.
Women in Science
Prof. Elisa Orth was representing Brazil at the Women in Chemistry Symposium organized by the Organization for the Chemical Weapons Prohibition (OPCW). An international organization that has won the Nobel Peace Prize and is committed to promoting global chemical security with the effective participation of women. The event featured more than 30 women from 25 different countries. The event took place in Ottawa - Canada.
On August 3, 2018, the defense of a doctoral thesis by student Naiane Naidek took place with a work entitled "Desenvolvimento de nanocompósitos entre derivados de grafeno / nanotubos de carbono e polímeros condutores: funcionalização direcionada''. The work was guided by Prof. Dr. Elisa Orth and coordinated by Prof. Dr. Aldo Zarbin, GCC Congratulates the newest doctor!
#GCC in France 2
Prof. Elisa S. Orth Lecture: Functionalization of carbon nanomaterials: towards optimized applications. 1st French Brazilian Spring School on Raman spectroscopy of carbon nanomaterials. April / 2018 - Montpellier - France. Another international participation of the group ... congratulations to those involved!
GCC in the dissemination and promotion of science in high school: prof. Elisa gives the lecture "Segurança Química: Uma Arte" at Colegio Estadual Prof Elysio Vianna in Curitiba.
#GCC in Mexico
Atlantic Basin Conference on Chemistry. January / 2018 - Cancun - Mexico
GCC present in Mexico with the lecture of prof. Elisa S. Orth: "Catalysts to the rescue for destroying and monitoring pesticides: from waste to nanomaterials". Congratulations, teacher!
GCC in Haia-Netherlands at OPCW headquarters - Organization to ban chemical weapons - November 2017
Prof. Elisa was between in 20 inviteds participants of Green and sustainable chemistry workshop in the context of the chemical weapons convention. She Represents Brazil and show the recent results of goup. The OPCW organization won the nobel prize of peace in the year of 2013.
GCC at the World Chemistry Congress - IUPAC and 40th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Chemical Society - São Paulo - July 2017
5 posters and 2 oral presentations were presented.
GCC celebrates 5 years in 2017:
Catalysis and Kinetics Group - GCC was created in April 2012. The commemorative event took place on October 18, 2017 with a lecture by João Tosato, coordinator of the Safe Food Defense Program - Inspection of Pesticides and Related Products of the Paraná Agricultural Defense Agency . Congratulations to the members and everyone who helped build this story !!!
GCC's first defense is doctorate
On April 10, 2017, Renan Borsoi Campos's first GCC defense took place. Congratulations Doctor Renan!
GCC at international congresses - 2017
Prof. Elisa and students participate in the Graphene 2017 International Conference in Barcelona - Spain and the 18 th International conference on the science and application of nanotubes and low-dimensional materials in Belo Horizonte.
Prof. Elisa receives UFPR Merit Award -2016
At the commemorative event of 104 years of UFPR, receives award by the rector
Profª Elisa Orth receives Rising Talents Award - L'Oreal-UNESCO and presents 3 min TED talk at UNESCO - Paris - 2016 - March 2016
Related link: CNN
Profª Drª Elisa Orth talks about her research for Record News
Click here to watch.
Profª Drª Elisa Orth wins L'oréal-UNESCO-ABC award for women in science - 2015 Edition
Professor Elisa Orth wins the L'Oréal award for women in science and is featured in the media.
GCC at the 39th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Chemical Society in Goiânia - May 2016
Prof. Elisa gave a lecture and two students presented oral communication.
Profª Drª Elisa Orth receives L'oréal-UNESCO-ABC award for women in science - 2015 Edition
Awards took place in Rio de Janeiro on October 20, 2015.
GCC at the 38th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Chemical Society in Águas de Lindóia - May 2015
GCC at the 37th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Chemical Society in Natal - May 2014
Work "Efeito do solvente na reação de desfosforilação com derivados de imidazol'' received the award for best work in the Physicochemical session
GCC wins award at the 3rd South Brazilian Congress on Scientific Initiation and Graduate Studies - 2014
Work was also awarded at the UFPR / 2014 Scientific Initiation Event
"Funcionalização química de óxido de grafeno com derivado de imidazol: Projeção de nanocatalisadores." Sirlon Francisco Blaskievicz
GCC at events: Congresses - Lectures - Tables - Presentations
Prof. Elisa S. Orth. Workshop Green and Sustainable Chemistry: Fostering Safety and Security through Innovation. OPCW. The Hague - Netherlands. December / 2018 . Can destruction be green? From sustainable detoxification to safer syntheses.
Prof. Elisa S. Orth. 1st Women in Science Symposium and 6th Environmental Electrochemistry Meeting, Natal. November / 2018 . Where are we going? From chemical weapons to women in science.
Prof. Elisa S. Orth. Invited speaker at the 8th IUPAC International Conference on Green Chemistry, Bangkok. September / 2018 . Catalysts to the rescue for destroying and monitoring agrochemicals: from waste to nanomaterials.
Prof. Elisa S. Orth. PhosAgro / UNESCO / IUPAC International Symposium Green Chemistry, Bangkok. September / 2018. Sustainable catalysts to the rescue for chemical security: pesticide degradation and monitoring.
Prof. Elisa S. Orth. Academic Week of the Chemistry Course at FURB and Post-Graduation - Blumenau. 2018. September / 2018 . Do they know how to do science?
Prof. Elisa S. Orth. XXIV Biologist Week - UNIVILLE - Joinville. August / 2018. Are the scientists coming?
Prof. Elisa S. Orth. GATMA Week - Green Chemistry - UFPR 2018. Destroying pesticides: sustainable, cheap and simple?
Prof. Elisa S. Orth. Symposium of the Graduation and Post-Graduation of DAQBI-UTFPR. August / 2018. Do they know how to do science?
Symposium on Women in Chemistry - OPCW. June / 2018 - Ottawa - Canada. For Women Scientist in Promoting Peaceful Chemistry.
Prof. Elisa S. Orth. Chemontubes. April / 2018 - Biarritz - France. Lecture: Chemical functionalization and nanocatalysts: a perfect match?
In addition, 3 posters were presented by doctoral students Leandro Hostert, Naiane Naidek and Jessica Fonsaca.
1st French Brazilian Spring School on Raman spectroscopy of carbon nanomaterials. April / 2018 - Montpellier - France. Prof. Elisa S. Orth. Lecture: Functionalization of carbon nanomaterials: towards optimized applications.
Pint of Science - Bar We are Bastards. May / 2018 - Curitiba. Prof. Elisa S. Orth. Lecture: Scientists are coming.
Elysio Vianna State College. June / 2018 - Curitiba. Prof. Elisa S. Orth. Lecture: Chemical safety: an art.
41st Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Chemical Society. May / 2018 - Foz do Iguaçu. Prof. Elisa S. Orth: Lecture: Functionalization and nanocatalysis: the perfect match.
Four posters and an oral presentation by IC student Willian Takarada were also presented: "Chemical modification of gum arabic for dephosphorylation reactions: hydroxamate-derived biocatalyst", which won the best poster in the area of catalysis.
Atlantic Basin Conference on Chemistry. January / 2018 - Cancun - Mexico. Prof. Elisa S. Orth: Lecture: Catalysts to the rescue for destroying and monitoring pesticides: from waste to nanomaterials.
XXIV Southern Chemistry Meeting of the Brazilian Chemical Society - SBQSUL. November / 2017 - Florianópolis - SC.
Oral presentation by Yane Honorato: "Multifunctionalized nanomaterials based on graphene oxide: catalysis with organophosphates";
Poster: Naiane Naidek "Thin films of nanocomposites derived from graphene and polypyrrole: covalent interfacial functionalization".
Green And Sustainable Chemistry In The Context Of The Chemical Weapons Convention - OPCW. November / 2017 - The Hague - Netherlands. Prof. Elisa S. Orth lecture: Fast and efficient destruction of organophosphate: from waste to nanomaterials.
9th Integrated Week of Teaching, Research and Extension at UFPR. October / 2017 - Curitiba. Prof. Elisa S. Orth opening lecture: From science to the formation of citizens: why do we have to care now (and always)?
XXII Academic Chemistry Week at UFPR. September / 2017 - Curitiba. Prof. Elisa S. Orth opening lecture: Where are the scientists? More than just a question of number!
XLIII Academic Week of Chemical Engineering at UFPR. September / 2017 - Curitiba. Prof. Elisa S. Orth lecture: Nanomaterials and women in science: about the fashions and challenges of science.
UDESC Science Week 2017. September / 2017 - Joinville. Elisa S. Orth. Opening Lecture / Round Table: Women in Science
I Workshop Entrepreneurship and Scientific Communication - UFPR. August / 2017 - Curitiba. Prof. Elisa S. Orth lecture: Scientific communication: a necessary asset.
XI Academic Chemistry Week at UFSC. August / 2017 - Florianópolis. Prof. Elisa S. Orth. Closing lecture: Why I need science and why science needs women
46 th World Chemistry Congress, 40th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Chemical Society. July / 2017 - São Paulo. Students - Oral presentations:
1. Leandro Hostert "Thin film graphene-derived nanocatalysts for multiple applications";
2. Jessica Fonsaca "Graphene-based multifunctional thin films: tailored nanocatalyst and SERS substrate"
International Workshop on Innovative Technologies for Chemical Security - OPCW-IUPAC-ABC. July / 2017 - Rio de Janeiro. Prof. Elisa S. Orth lecture: Targeted catalytic degradation of organophosphates: pursuing sensors.
Graphene 2017 International Conference. March / 2017 - Barcelona Spain.
1. Elisa S. Orth: "Carbon nanostructure-based nanocatalysts for organophosphate degradation" (Poster + Oral).
2. Jessica Fonsaca: "Designing multifunctional graphene-based thin films through interfacial functionalization"
3. Aldo Zarbin: "Graphene and graphene-based multifunctional nanocomposites obtained as thin, transparent and conductive films: from preparation to applications"
5th AUTOORG - Meeting on Self-Assembly Structures in Solutions and at Interfaces. November / 2016 - Florianópolis. Prof. Elisa S. Orth. Lecture: Session in Honor of Prof. Faruk Name
6th INCT Meeting on Carbon Nanomaterials. November / 2016 - Curitiba. Prof. Elisa S. Orth. Lecture: Nanocatalysts for organophosphates.
XXIII Chemistry Meeting of the Southern Region October / 2016 - Santa Maria. Prof. Elisa S. Orth. Lecture: The saga for the ideal imidazolic catalyst for organophosphates.
XIII UNESP Chemistry Symposium 9/13/2016 - União da Vitória. September / 2016 - União da Vitória. Prof. Elisa S. Orth. Lecture: Multifunctional catalysts for organophosphates: the art of making and understanding.
V Academic Week of Food Science and Technology - UFSC. September / 2016 - Florianópolis. Prof. Elisa S. Orth. Lecture: Sustainable destruction of pesticides: chemistry as an ally in the art of making and understanding.
Seminar Cycle of the Graduate Program in Chemistry - UFPR. August / 2016 - Curitiba. Prof. Elisa S. Orth. Lecture: Multifunctional and sustainable catalysts for organophosphates: the art of making and understanding!
XLII Academic Week of Engineering - Chemistry UFPR. August / 2016 - Curitiba. Prof. Elisa S. Orth. Lecture: Multifunctional and sustainable catalysts for organophosphates: the art of making and understanding.
Elysio Vianna State College. August / 2016 - Curitiba. Prof. Elisa S. Orth . Lecture: The art of making and understanding chemistry in the destruction of pesticides!
Graduate Week in Chemistry at UFSC. June / 2016 - Florianópolis. Prof. Elisa S. Orth . Lecture: Design of multifunctional (nano / bio) catalysts: the art of making and understanding!
Graduate Program in Genetic Resources - UFSC 2016. June / 2016 - Florianópolis. Prof. Elisa S. Orth. Lecture: Destroying pesticides: chemistry as an ally towards sustainable agriculture
39th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Chemical Society 2016. May / 2016 - Goiânia. Prof. Elisa S. Orth. Invited lecture - Organic Chemistry - How to improve the reactivity of imidazole? Effect of solvent, substituent and tautomerism!
Students - Oral presentations:
Sirlon F. Blaskievicz: "Polymeric imidazole-derived graphene nanocatalysts: functionalization and one-pot polymerization"
Valmir B. Silva: "Search for ideal catalysts derived from imidazole for organophosphates: modulating the mechanism by the substituent".
Chemontubes 2016. April / 2016 - Brussels - Belgium. Prof. Elisa S. Orth . Lecture: Graphene-based reusable nanocatalysts.
State Forum for Combating Pesticides Ministry of Labor - 2015. December / 2015 - Curitiba . Prof. Elisa S. Orth. Lecture: (Nano / Bio) Catalysts for Organophosphates as a Tool to Eradicate and Monitor Pesticides.
XXII Meeting of Chemistry of the South Region, 2015. November / 2015 - Joinville. Students - Presentations:
1.Sirlon F. Blaskievicz: "Degradation of nitrophenol with nanocatalyst derived from graphene functionalized with imidazole"
2. Naiane Naidek : "Covalent functionalization of graphene oxide and obtaining a nanocomposite with polypyrrole"
3. Thomas Almeida: "Reaction of a phosphate diester with an ambidentated imidazole derivative: modeling enzymatic active sites"
4. Tatiane Santos: "Adsorption of nitrophenol with graphene derivatives: potential in the removal and monitoring of toxic agents".
Seminar Cycle of the UFPR Physics Graduate Program. November / 2015 - Curitiba. Prof. Elisa S. Orth . Lecture: Design of (bio / nano) catalysts for organophosphates: chemical detoxifiers and artificial enzymes.
XIV Brazilian Materials Research Society Meeting October / 2015 - Rio de Janeiro. Prof. Elisa S. Orth . Oral presentation: Artificial enzymes derived from a natural biopolymer and industrial waste.
Closing Lecture of the 20th Academic Chemistry Week at UFPR. September / 2015 - Curitiba . Prof. Elisa S. Orth . Lecture: Ser ou não ser? O vício da (nano) catálise!
Integrated Academic Week of Chemical Engineering - PUCPR / UFPR 2015. September / 2015 - Curitiba. Prof. Elisa S. Orth. Lecture: (Nano / Bio) Catalisadores para organofosforados: da terapia genética às armas químicas.
Mackgraphe - Mackenzie Seminar Cycle. June / 2015 - São Paulo. Prof. Elisa S. Orth . Lecture: Graphene-based nanocatalysts: tailored design of artificial enzymes and detoxifying agents.